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The Past
2017-02-22 13:21:48

The genetic disc - an archaeological enigma

The genetic disc is one of the most incredible artefacts found in Colombia. The disc, 27 cm in diameter, is made from a durable stone called lidite, surprisingly, while being exceptionally strong, this stone has a layered structure. It is said to be virtually and theoretically impossible to produce something similar to this ancient artefact.

It may, of course, be as fake as the famous CROSS DOG or as dubious an enigma as the 300 million year old BOLT.

However, what's depicted on the disc raises just as many questions. The fact is that the disk depicts things and processes that modern man can only observe under a microscope. Among images of spermatozoa, stylised genitals and the like, on the disk you can discern an image of a human head, but it is impossible to determine which race or even species this person belongs to.

Although the Archaeological Committee of Colombia refused to recognize the valuable discovery in the genetic disc let us look at it more ...

It was first mentioned by Erich von Daniken, and this artefact is from the collection of Professor Jaime Gutiérrez Lega (Colombia).

"In addition to plates of copper (or copper alloys), the Crespi collection contains many stone tablets with engraved images and inscriptions in unknown languages. It is noteworthy that these were the categories of objects that, according to Padre Crespi, the Indians found in the jungle in underground tunnels and chambers. Padre Crespi claimed that an ancient system of underground tunnels stretches from the city of Cuenca into the jungle, extending for more than 200 kilometres. Such a system of tunnels was described by Erich von Daniken as early as 1972 in his book "The Gold of the Gods". He also cited the first images of items from the collection of Professor Jaime Gutiérrez Lega.

The text that accompanies these photographs is as follows:

"The Embryological Disc is one of the most interesting artefacts from South America. On the front and back of the disc there are symbols that create different types of images. There is a view that they show the evolution of life from amphibians to man. Medical experts agree: The disc depicts the main stages of human development. The symbols can be identified. The eyes, which lie well outside the rest of the head, as well as the wide segment of the nose speak in favour of this. These features are characteristic of the early embryonic development of the head structure. But to what time can the emergence of this disc be attributed? Geologists at the University of Bogota place the date of its origin in the prehistoric era. Recent studies have been unable to determine whether the artefact is fake.

In addition to the disc, Architect Gutiérrez also has medical instruments made of the same material in his collection. They are very small, but fit perfectly in any hand. It seems that these were the tools of the enigmatic geneticists.

This disk has a diameter of 27 centimeters and weighs about 2 kilograms. The disk contains depictions describing the full cycle from fertilization of a woman's egg to the birth of a child, which proves that civilizations of the distant past had such knowledge. The images depict processes that can only be viewed under a microscope in real life. On the left side of the disk at 11 o'clock, we can see an image of a man's testicle without sperm and with sperm, apparently showing the process of sperm's birth. On the left about the direction of the hour you can see some sperm already nucleated. A longer image is not clear for us yet. A more detailed examination by specialist biologists is needed. On the back side of the disc at the top we can see the embryo in several developmental stages. and ending with what a newborn baby looks like. We also see an image of a man and a woman on the disc around six o'clock.

Around three o'clock on the disc we see images of a man, a woman and a child, the strange thing is the way the head of the person is depicted, if it is not a stylistic representation, what species these people belong to. Among the artefacts from the liddite there is one which, on the front, is an image of a mother with a child and, on the back, a man in hunting gear. The next artefact in the collection is a very unusual knife. It has the mother's head on the top and the child's head below, with the neck wrapped in an umbilical cord. It is clear that this knife was used to cut the umbilical cord and save the life of the newborn.

Генетический диск
древний артефакт

Encyclopaedic reference
Генетический диск - Один из самых невероятных артефактов, найденных на территории Колумбии. На диске изображены основные этапы развития человека.
Археология - историческая дисциплина, изучающая прошлое человечества по вещественным источникам. Археологию можно считать как социальной наукой, так и отраслью гуманитарных наук.
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