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Ufology (UFO)
2022-10-31 09:48:30

1968 UFO crash near Sverdlovsk turned out to be staged

Крушение НЛО в 1968 году под Свердловском оказалось инсценировкой

Among the famous UFO events in the USSR, the 1968 UFO crash near Sverdlovsk is often mentioned. But how it really happened needs to be explained in more detail.
In 1998, the American television channel TNT broadcast a report on the small town of Berezovsk in the Urals, showing footage of a very real flying saucer which fell in the middle of the Urals forest.

To corroborate the information, the clip can be found on the Internet. What is surprising is that it does not resemble any other UFO footage or similar dubious objects, but differs in that it clearly shows the saucer itself, its colouring, and the faces and stripes of Soviet soldiers.

On November 27, 1968, residents said they saw several fireballs flying towards them. Suddenly, one of the balloons began to fall and after it landed there was a sound of an explosion. As it turned out in a newspaper that came out later, it was the explosion of a granary due to the negligence of one of the workers. As you can see this is not the first time such an incident has happened in the town.

After the report from the American channel the documentary film "The Secret KGB UFO Files" was released, which describes these UFO events.

There are debates about the credibility of this film and more and more different points are being refuted, one of which is a page from a Soviet newspaper on the subject of "fireballs". According to data from the Belinsky library no articles on this subject have been found in the newspapers. One is left to speculate for oneself as to whether these judgments are true.

However, footage of a falling flying saucer does exist, so it really was seen by residents. It is worth bearing in mind that the fall was an emergency because of the location of the saucer, which entered directly into the ground with one of its edges, found in this position. 

Of the less plausible images in the film, it shows the "green men" soldiers in this UFO. No credible information was found about this for sure and rather it was done to embellish and develop the plot in the film.

Disproving and proving a downed UFO

Finding confirmation or proof of the veracity of this incident is extremely difficult. People living in the town in question are unable to talk about it. Perhaps due to the passage of time or lack of access to the site, it is no longer clear. 

Based on the facts and operating on the fact that it is impossible for such a massive object to enter almost half way into the ground and not get damaged. There is no debris from trees or a crater from the fallen saucer. It is as if the saucer was built on purpose, as if for decoration. 
Most experts agree with this opinion. Having analysed the American documentary and studied the biography of its producer Ray Santilli, it was concluded that this is just a new sensation to raise the popularity. As it turned out later, this UFO was made of Styrofoam. Ray Santilli had previously made films about aliens, in conjunction with the TNT channel, which were quite popular, and in order not to slow down he decided to make a new work, in the veracity of which people initially believed.

Крушение НЛО под Свердловском

Encyclopaedic reference
УФОЛОГИЯ - (англ. ufology, сокр. UFO - Unidentified Flying Object, неопознанный летающий объект) - это область знаний, занимающаяся сбором, систематизацией и анализом материалов о неопознанных летающих объектах. Важная проблема уфологии - определение степени достоверности, объективности подобных сообщений.
УФОЛОГ - специалист по уфологии.
НЛО - это буквенное сокращение: неопознанный летающий объект. Предмет, наблюдаемый как движущийся в воздухе объект, чаще круглой или эллипсоидальной формы, которому приписывается внеземное происхождение (наблюдаемый объект иногда называют "летающая тарелка").
ПРОШЛОЕ - это множество всех хронологически предшествующих данному моменту событий.
СССР - Сою́з Сове́тских Социалисти́ческих Респу́блик, сокращённо СССР, Сове́тский Сою́з, Сою́з ССР — государство в Евразии, существовавшее с 1922 года по 1991 год.
Крушение НЛО под Свердловском - известный случай крушения НЛО в 1968 году на территории СССР, оказавшийся инсценировкой. Место крушения стало поле неподалеку от поселка Березовский, расположенного в Свердловской области. Как выяснилось позднее, данное НЛО был сделан из пенопласта. До этого Рэй Сантилли уже снимал фильмы об инопланетянах, совместно с каналом «TNT», которые имели вполне неплохую популярность, и чтобы не сбавлять темп, решил сделать новую работу, в правдивость которой люди изначально поверили.


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