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2023-02-01 10:27:23

A space bolide flew over Krasnoyarsk in the sky

В небе над Красноярском пролетел космический болид

Mysterious object burns in the sky over Krasnoyarsk: Eyewitnesses report an impressive sight.

Krasnoyarsk, Russia - A dazzling sight lit up the sky above Krasnoyarsk last night, January 31, 2023, forcing local residents and astronomers to seek answers. According to eyewitness reports, a luminous object streaked across the sky and then burned in a bright flash.

Scientists have confirmed that it was a bolide, a type of meteor that can be up to five meters in size. These rocks burn up almost completely as they pass through Earth's atmosphere, although some of the substance may fall to the ground.

Although bolides are not uncommon, the one that appeared over Krasnoyarsk was a particularly impressive sight. Eyewitnesses reported seeing a bright trail of light behind the object, and some described it as a "shooting star."

Astronomers are now analyzing data collected during the event to determine the exact size, speed and trajectory of the bolide. They hope to gain insight into the origin of these mysterious space rocks and learn more about the processes involved in their re-entry into the Earth's atmosphere.

Meanwhile, residents of Krasnoyarsk remain in awe of the spectacular sight they witnessed last night. It is a reminder of the beauty and wonder of the universe.


Encyclopaedic reference
Космос - относительно пустые участки Вселенной, которые лежат вне границ атмосфер небесных тел.
АСТРОНОМИЯ - (от греч. astron - звезда, nomos - закон) - это наука о небесных телах. Наука астрономия существует с древнейших времен, предметом которой является Вселенная и ее составляющие элементы, в том числе движение небесных тел относительно друг друга, их положение на небесной сфере, физическое и химическое строение, происхождение и протекающие на них процессы.
Россия - государство в Восточной Европе и Северной Азии. Россия — крупнейшее государство в мире.
Метеорит - тело космического происхождения, достигшее поверхности Земли или другого крупного небесного тела.


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