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2023-03-07 10:30:44

A «bear face» was found on the surface of Mars

На поверхности Марса нашли «морду медведя»

The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter obtained an image of an area of Mars that resembles the face of a bear. The picture is so clear that it is time to prepare the ground for a new conspiracy theory. At the place of the ancient impact crater human perception makes us see a round bear's head with a pair of eyes and a nose with a mouth.

Such behavior is normal for the human psyche and has the scientific term "pareidolia. Over millions of years of evolution, the nervous system has learned to see danger even where there was none. It is better to run away ten times than to be caught once (by a bear, for example). The primate and human brains have succeeded with this to such an extent that we see the familiar even in alien landscapes.

This is not the first time, and probably not the last time, that humans will see familiar shapes in images from Mars and other planets. The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter's HiRISE camera has already delighted us with pictures of tadpoles, elephant, smiley face and others. Now we have a bear in our arsenal of amazing images of the surface of Mars.

According to one of the HiRISE project hosts, the bear's head may have been caused by sediment deposited in an impact crater, while the nose and mouth are the result of a bizarre settling of rocks at the mouth of a mud volcano or a conventional volcano. Someday Martian colonists will get to this place and know its exact origin. In the meantime, we are making maps of Mars, with routes to follow in 20, 30 or 40 years.


Encyclopaedic reference
Космос - относительно пустые участки Вселенной, которые лежат вне границ атмосфер небесных тел.
Марс - четвёртая по удалённости от Солнца и седьмая по размеру планета Солнечной системы; масса планеты составляет 10,7 % массы Земли. Названа в честь Марса — древнеримского бога войны, соответствующего древнегреческому Аресу. Марс называют «красной планетой» из-за красноватого оттенка поверхности, придаваемого ей минералом маггемитом — γ-оксидом железа.


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