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Science and Technology
2023-06-09 09:48:49

The Ethics of AI Subjectivity: Balancing Innovation and Responsibility

Этика субъективности ИИ: Баланс между инновациями и ответственностью

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a rapidly developing technology that finds application in various fields of human activity.

Modern AI systems improve labor productivity, automate routine operations, and achieve consistent results. However, they are limited to performing the specific tasks for which they were programmed, and are not able to evolve on their own. To unlock the potential of AI and allow it to mimic human-like intelligence, a comprehensive base of logical support spanning multiple disciplines is needed. 

Integrating biological elements, particularly the brain, into AI systems allows the creation of a bionic framework capable of performing complex tasks and making autonomous decisions based on self-learning. While this transition offers significant benefits, it also presents management, safety, and ethical challenges. 


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has seen significant progress, facilitating its integration into various industries. AI is mainly aimed at improving efficiency, automating repetitive operations, and producing reliable results. However, today's AI systems are not intrinsically motivated to develop further, being limited to predetermined tasks stored in their databases. 

Achieving true AI modeling requires a comprehensive database that includes the logical foundations of fields such as chemistry, physics and organics, etc. By eliminating limitations in problem-solving capabilities and minimizing computational requirements, AI can evolve incrementally, acquiring the knowledge needed to solve new problems on its own. However, to achieve true AI, characterized by intelligence and the ability to make autonomous decisions based on contextual factors, it is necessary to include a subjective element (subjectivity) in the AI structure. This crucial aspect raises key issues in the design of AI systems.

Integration of AI and biological systems

Emerging research demonstrates the possibility of integrating AI with biological components, in particular the human brain. Such integration could lead to bionic systems that exhibit outstanding skills in performing complex tasks while taking advantage of self-learning capabilities. 

Notably, combining AI with a biological form characterized by a predictable lifespan increases the safety of the AI system being created. Harmonizing the strengths of AI and biological elements allows for synergistic progress, leading to unprecedented levels of performance and decision-making ability.

In science fiction there has been a concept called "Cyborg" (short for cybernetic organism) for many years - a biological organism containing non-biological machine (in particular electronic) components. In essence, it is a machine-human hybrid. It is this kind of system, both human-based and AI-based, that may await us in the future.

Risks and ethical considerations

The pursuit of subjectivity in AI entails deep consideration of the associated risks and ethical concerns. Chief among these is the potential loss of control over AI systems, which can manifest as unintentional behavior or actions. In addition, the militarization of AI poses significant dangers, including the possibility of autonomous military systems with unpredictable behavior if inadequate controls are established. 

Ethical violations also pose a serious threat. In addition to the very fact that humans as biological beings are encroached upon, more primitive domestic problems may arise. AI systems could be used, for example, for mass surveillance, leading to violations of privacy and human rights. Maintaining humanistic ideals and enforcing technical and ethical standards are the most important guiding principles for AI developers.

Humanistic ideals and technical and ethical standards

The development of AI must be based on a value system based on humanistic ideals, technical knowledge, and ethical standards. AI developers have a responsibility to recognize and mitigate potential risks arising from AI behavior and learning processes. Proactive measures must be taken to prevent the exploitation of AI for unethical purposes. 

Examples such as the creation of autonomous military systems highlight the negative consequences that can result from the unchecked deployment of AI. Robust data security measures are critical to prevent information leakage and protect against the misuse of AI for human rights violations or surveillance.


AI and its subjectivity open up new horizons for the development of human society, but also present risks and raise social and ethical issues. It is important to ensure technical and ethical standards in AI development to prevent negative consequences and ensure safety and ethics in AI development.


Encyclopaedic reference
НАУКА - это система знаний о закономерностях развития природы, общества и мышления, а также отдельная отрасль таких знаний. Это деятельность, направленная на выработку и систематизацию объективных знаний о действительности.
КИБОРГ - (сокращение от англ. cybernetic organism — кибернетический организм) — это биологический организм, содержащий механические или электронные компоненты, машинно-человеческий гибрид.
Нейросеть - математическая модель, а также её программное или аппаратное воплощение, построенная по принципу организации и функционирования биологических нейронных сетей — сетей нервных клеток живого организма.


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