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Ufology (UFO)
2023-08-08 09:05:24

Aliens hiding in terminator zones: Brits outdid even the U.S. with UFOs

Инопланетяне прячутся в терминаторных зонах: Британцы переплюнули с НЛО даже США

Whenever you are in a bad situation, talk about UFOs! Judging by the publication in the Mirror newspaper, the British have adopted such a simple American methodology. While the world is struggling, the inhabitants of the island are fed information about aliens who hide in "terminator zones".

"Britons have been spotting UFOs in the skies overhead at an alarming rate since January 2021 and an expert claims to know how the 'non-humans' are trying to hide to go unnoticed," claims the national daily Mirror.

And not just anywhere, but in certain "terminator zones".

The most surprising thing is the figures. Judging by them, the British have outdone even the Americans, who are suspicious about unidentified flying objects.

"Over the past two and a half years, nearly 1,000 UFO sightings have been recorded across the UK, and our map shows the activity taking place in the skies above you," the publication says.

That's an impressive figure ... could be, if there was a single piece of hard evidence that confirms such a powerful alien invasion of the UK.

Earlier, as journalists recall, the US Congress listened to Air Force intelligence officer David Pears, who was said to have brought "evidence" of alien contact. He even claimed that the United States is "hiding a long-standing program that reconstructs unidentified flying objects." Allegedly there are notes there about similar incidents in the UK.

Journalists noted that while the congressional testimony caused a media storm, many scientists remain skeptical that the U.S. has found and is hiding evidence of extraterrestrial life.


Encyclopaedic reference
УФОЛОГИЯ - (англ. ufology, сокр. UFO - Unidentified Flying Object, неопознанный летающий объект) - это область знаний, занимающаяся сбором, систематизацией и анализом материалов о неопознанных летающих объектах. Важная проблема уфологии - определение степени достоверности, объективности подобных сообщений.
УФОЛОГ - специалист по уфологии.
НЛО - это буквенное сокращение: неопознанный летающий объект. Предмет, наблюдаемый как движущийся в воздухе объект, чаще круглой или эллипсоидальной формы, которому приписывается внеземное происхождение (наблюдаемый объект иногда называют "летающая тарелка").
США - Соединённые Шта́ты Аме́рики (англ. The United States of America, сокращённо США (англ. USA), или Соединённые Шта́ты (англ. United States, U.S., в просторечии — Аме́рика) — государство в Северной Америке. 


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