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2023-09-06 09:35:56

There are five asteroids approaching Earth

К Земле приблизятся пять астероидов

Until September 12, five asteroids will approach the Earth. This is reported on the website of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

According to the space agency, the nearest asteroid the size of a house will approach the Earth on September 6. It is specified that it will pass at a distance of 5.11 million kilometers from the planet.

As indicated in NASA, the next two astronomical objects the size of an airplane and a bus will approach Earth on September 8 - at 4.08 million and 5.72 million km respectively. Two more asteroids the size of an airplane will be near the planet on September 10. The minimum distance between them and the Earth will be 1.52 million and 2.66 million km respectively.

On August 9, the Center for the Study of Near-Earth Objects NASA reported that a potentially dangerous asteroid will fly by on August 23 at a distance of about 6 million km from Earth. It was expected that the minimum distance between the celestial body and the Earth will be 0.04 astronomical units, or almost 6.1 million km.

Prior to that, a senior researcher at the Institute of Applied Astronomy (IAA) of the Russian Academy of Sciences Nikolai Zhelezhnov said that the potentially dangerous asteroid Apophis, which in 2029 will fly at a record distance from Earth, in the case of its fall on the planet could destroy an area comparable to some region of the Russian Federation.


Encyclopaedic reference
Космос - относительно пустые участки Вселенной, которые лежат вне границ атмосфер небесных тел.
Астероид - относительно небольшое небесное тело Солнечной системы, движущееся по орбите вокруг Солнца. Астероиды значительно уступают по массе и размерам планетам, имеют неправильную форму и не имеют атмосферы, хотя при этом и у них могут быть спутники. Входят в категорию малых тел Солнечной системы.


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