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Реакция читателя

2022-08-24 10:01:46

People's Republic of China has invented a moveable magnetic slime for medical robots

В КНР придумана подвижная магнитная слизь для медицинских роботов

Scientists at the Chinese University of Hong Kong have developed a moving slime robot.

The "soft" robot is made from polymer material, sodium tetraborate and neodymium magnet particles. It has the property of a non-Newtonian fluid: it becomes dense when exposed to hard, jerky action, and liquid when exposed to soft, smooth action.

Thanks to this, the slime robot is able to penetrate into narrow spaces. It is able to envelope objects and grasp them with external magnets. The development is applicable in gastroenterology.

"To avoid leakage of toxic electrolytes, we can use this kind of robotic slime to insulate the battery to form a kind of inert coating," the researchers said.

So far, the novelty is toxic to the human body. But the slime robot will continue to improve. The specialists plan to create an autonomous version based on magnetic slime.


Encyclopaedic reference
Китай - официальное название — Кита́йская Наро́дная Респу́блика (КНР) — государство в Восточной Азии. 
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