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Global threats
2022-11-22 10:03:45

The problem of an imminent Yellowstone supervolcano catastrophe

Проблема неизбежной катастрофы Йеллоустоунского супервулкана

An issue which is getting a lot of attention and which could become quite urgent in the future is the imminent Yellowstone Supervolcano, which is located in the northern USA. 

So what is the difference between a supervolcano and a normal volcano? There are only a few supervolcanoes on the planet and the last eruption of volcano Toba led to an ice age. A conventional volcano is a precise, cone-shaped eruption, their eruptions are large and with severe consequences, it happens quite often, but they are still a long way from being a supervolcano. One of the most powerful eruptions of a conventional volcano covered 10-12 cubic kilometres, compared to it the Toba supervolcano covered about 2800 cubic kilometres. A supervolcano is a magma chamber of gigantic proportions, which can be tens of kilometres long.

Yellowstone Supervolcano is close to explosion and this volcano is far from unusual, it is categorically different from the rest. It has had three explosions in the last two and a half million years, at intervals of about six hundred thousand years. Two and a half million, one three hundred and six hundred thousand years ago. Scientists theorise that Yellowstone is ripe for explosion and this explosion will be huge force, it is supposed that it will be comparable at least to three thermonuclear bombs that will result enormous changes for climate and for a planet as a whole. In a zone of 100 kilometres every living thing would die, the zone of complete annihilation of 10 millions would die, a red-hot pyroclastic cloud would destroy everything. It is no secret that an eruption of that magnitude would chain and provoke other volcanoes and many earthquakes. In the worst case scenario it could trigger a volcano like Longweiler, not too far from Yellowstone. If that happens, the explosion would exceed the eruption of the same super volcano, Toba, and billions would die.

So what are the reasons for concern? The only reliable method of predicting both volcanic and seismic hazards is animals, they all leave the area as soon as possible. A very worrisome moment was when Yellowstone was jerked off by bison, deer. The underlying heat has increased, and in some places the asphalt has begun to melt. The average temperature in the "bowling alley" (the river flowing through Yellowstone National Park) multiplied, with winter temperatures there ranging from 58 to 68 degrees Celsius. The frequency of earthquakes increased and ground uplift increased sharply, creating a rift in Wyoming. 

The American government began building so-called 'doomsday reserves', including food, oil and seed reserves. Americans in the surrounding area are beginning to leave their homes. 

Scientists have made a chronology and found out that an eruption happens once in six hundred thousand years, they managed to predict that the eruption will happen around 2022, but this is all just a theory and some scientists believe that there is no reason to worry.

глобальные угрозы
Йеллоустонский супервулкан

Encyclopaedic reference
Йеллоустонский супервулкан - вулканическая кальдера в Йеллоустонском национальном парке на северо-западе США
Земля - третья по удалённости от Солнца планета Солнечной системы. Самая плотная, пятая по диаметру и массе среди всех планет Солнечной системы и крупнейшая среди планет земной группы, в которую входят также Меркурий, Венера и Марс. Единственное известное человеку в настоящее время тело во Вселенной, населённое живыми организмами.
Супервулкан - вулкан, извержение которого может спровоцировать изменение климата на планете (8 баллов по VEI). На Земле существует около 20 известных науке супервулканов. В среднем извержения происходят раз в 100 000 лет


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