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The Past
2022-12-09 10:17:52

The oldest map of the starry sky, lost 2,000 years ago, discovered

Обнаружена древнейшая карта звездного неба, утерянная 2000 лет назад

Under Syrian texts on ancient parchment, scientists have discovered the oldest map of the starry sky in human history, which was thought to have been lost about 2,000 years ago. It was created by the ancient Greek astronomer Hipparchus of Nicaea between 162 and 127 B.C. Fragments of the map that researchers have been able to decipher contain fairly accurate for the time the coordinates of the constellation of the Northern Crown and the surrounding stars.

Historians believe that the oldest map of the starry sky was created by the ancient Greek astronomer Hipparchus of Nicaea in about 129 BC. No physical evidence of its existence has survived: it is believed that the document was lost 2000 years ago. The map was known only by references in later works. For example, it was mentioned in Claudius Ptolemy's Almagest, written in the second century AD, which contained the oldest map of the cosmos ever found. Now, in an article for the Journal for the History of Astronomy, French scientists reported that they had managed to find an authentic fragment of Hipparchus' map.

This discovery came as a surprise. Initially, the researchers analyzed parchments with translations of Syriac texts X-XI centuries, belonging to the Greek Orthodox monastery of St. Catherine in the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt. The authors concluded that the parchment was reused: the scribe simply scraped off the old text to write new ones, which was a common way of saving parchment at the time.

Further scanning of the manuscript restored much of what had been erased. The text described the positions of several constellations and individual stars. Among other things, scientists were able to fully reconstruct the latitude and longitude coordinates of the constellation of the North Crown and the surrounding stars. After that, they were not only able to check the accuracy of the coordinates of the star, but also to determine the dates of the measurements. It turned out that the map was made between 162 and 127 B.C. and was very accurate for its time, even more accurate than Ptolemy's research.

According to available data, the researchers also showed that the coordinates of the other three constellations (Big Dipper, Little Dipper and Dragon) in the medieval Latin manuscript, known as Aratus Latinus, were also borrowed from Hipparchus' work.

The authors of the study believe that the entire map took up many pages before it was scraped off. It is likely that Hipparchus' list, like Ptolemy's, included observations of almost every visible star in the sky. In the absence of telescopes, ancient Greek astronomers used telescopes to observe the stars, and such studies took countless hours of continuous work.


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