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Реакция читателя

2022-07-20 09:53:50

Rostec to launch production of logistics robots

Ростех запустит производство логистических роботов

Ruselectronics Holding of Rostec State Corporation will launch serial production of a line of Russian transport and logistics robots with a lifting capacity of up to 20 tons. The equipment will automate warehouse operations and simplify logistics operations at industrial enterprises. The project is being implemented as part of Rostec's corporate business accelerator and has been approved for funding.

The solution is an automated, electrically-driven conveyor that moves autonomously along a pre-set path. The robots are designed to transport goods from one point to another. In production the devices can be used for delivering spare parts to an assembly line or for transferring products between workshops. The size of the platform mounted on a wheeled base - up to 5 metres in length and 2 metres in width, which allows moving also large-sized cargo.

Production of the equipment is planned by Kalugapribor together with its technology partner, Metra Digital Logistics. Subsequently, the Kaluga enterprise will also take part in service maintenance. This will significantly reduce lead times.

A test model is currently being finalised, and negotiations with potential customers are underway. The first logistics robots are planned for production next year. Russian-made components and software will be used in serial production.

"Transport and logistics robots can increase operational efficiency in enterprises. In addition, the devices can be used in hazardous or dangerous production facilities. Such automatically controlled vehicles play a key role in the automation of logistics in general," said Boris Movtyan, CEO of Kalugapribor.


Encyclopaedic reference
Россия - государство в Восточной Европе и Северной Азии. Россия — крупнейшее государство в мире.
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