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Science and Technology
2021-12-13 11:41:38

Stanford starts teaching in VR mode

В Стэнфорде начали преподавать в режиме VR

Stanford University has launched virtual reality training.

Stanford University has launched virtual reality education. This is reported on the institution's website.

Professor Jeremy Bailenson initiated the opening of the educational programme in the new mode. The course is called "Virtual People", and it is dedicated to the development of modern technology. Teaching takes place in an online format with the use of VR helmets. In order to start teaching in a new capacity, the university's specialists chose special equipment and software called Engage.

The class consists of a group of students and a teacher who can interact with each other in a virtual environment. Each class is limited to 30 minutes - this was done to avoid sickness and nausea after using the VR headset. "The only thing that limits a student in a VR space is their own imagination," said assistant Baylenson lab assistant Sian DeVoe.

Stanford clarified that in preparing the programme, they interacted with Meta (formerly Facebook), which provided the Oculus headsets. Temporary profiles have also been created to prevent leakage of confidential student data. University officials have clarified that they have already assembled two classes and conducted a total of more than three thousand hours of training.

In mid-November, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the use of VR-helmets to treat pain. The treatment programme is based on deep relaxation and attention-shifting.

виртуальная реальность

Encyclopaedic reference
Виртуальная реальность - созданный техническими средствами мир, передаваемый человеку через его ощущения: зрение, слух, осязание и другие. Виртуальная реальность имитирует как воздействие, так и реакции на воздействие. Для создания убедительного комплекса ощущений реальности компьютерный синтез свойств и реакций виртуальной реальности производится в реальном времени.
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